Info about support services available in Angus

Healthcare professional comforting an elderly woman, exemplifying personal support in the community

Adoption & Fostering Group Angus

We are a small, registered Charity, SCO34175. Our Objectives are to provide an inclusive and supportive environment for families including those youngsters who have a disability, special need or culture needs.

We provide a meeting place, usually once a month, so people can get together for the purpose of mutual support and encouragement in their fostering tasks and to organising activities and social events. We offer all youngsters new opportunities and good experience through our activities and day trips. We do this through fundraising and the children help to do this. We try to give the most Vulnerable Children in our area New, Good Experiences.

The children we support have experienced many different disadvantages:

  • Neglect which has resulted in the children not growing or reaching their milestones as their peers have.
  • Lack of opportunities including hobbies and school trips due to birth parents poverty resulting in poor self-esteem and feelings of exclusion
  • Lack of social skills resulting in poor ability to mix with social groups, mix in general public and have appropriate behaviours.
  • Lack of encouragement and praise which would limit their ability to try new activities.

Through trying new experiences and activities the children will learn new physical and social skills. They will gain the development of motor skills and stimulation of mental ability. This is to be done in a controlled environment that they feel safe in, enhancing their self-esteem and their will to go on and try more new experiences. In addition to this it will stimulate their imagination and creative ability as they will experience, hear, see and feel things they haven’t before. The children bond with their carers during our activities, also allowing them to socialise with other children in the same situation.





Angus Carers Centre

Angus Carers Association is an organisation established by carers, for carers. The Association was established in October 1996 and became part of the Royal Princess Trust for Carers network in November 1997, then becoming known as ‘Angus Carers Centre’. Our vision is that all carers in Angus will receive appropriate information and support to enable them to feel valued and confident in their caring situation, and to develop their own potential.

We provide information, advice and a range of services to unpaid carers located in Angus and the surrounding areas. To find out more about the many services that we offer to unpaid carers, visit our website at 


Angus Citizens Advice Bureau

Angus Citizens Advice Bureau (SCIO) provides free, confidential and independent advice to everyone who needs it. As a member of the Scottish Association of   Citizens Advice Bureaux, we have two aims:

  • to help people understand their rights and responsibilities and to help them take action to solve their problems
  • to work locally and nationally to change policies and practices that are the root cause of problems, preventing issues arising at source






Angus Council Justice Service

Community Justice seeks to prevent and reduce offending in a fair and effective way by addressing its underlying causes, increasing positive citizenship, increasing public safety and re-assurances and reduce costs. It is vital that the model includes victims and witnesses of crime; people who have offended their families; business and local companies.

If you would like more information on how Community Justice works in Angus contact us on 01307 492150. For a look at the national picture visit Community Justice Scotland.

Visit our unpaid work page if you are a member of a group or organisation in Angus and you have a community project that community service unpaid workers can assist with.

The Angus Community Justice Partnership brings together stakeholders from the public, private and third sectors to develop and deliver a Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan. Angus Community Justice priorities have been identified in line with the National Community Justice Strategy.

Angus Homeless Prevention Service

Homeless Prevention Service

Our Angus-wide service supports those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

We can help you if you are:

  • homeless
  • living in temporary accommodation
  • living in local authority, housing association or private rented housing

Our Homeless Prevention Support Team can support you to:

  • maintain your tenancy, preventing homelessness.
  • set up a new tenancy.
  • manage your benefits, budgeting, and other financial matters.
  • access health services and other third sector services
  • navigate through the homeless route / housing issues.
  • access education, employment, and volunteering
  • manage your health and wellbeing.
  • develop independent and self-care living skills.


Housing First

Our Homeless Prevention Support Team also provide support for Housing First tenancies in Angus.

Housing First targets those who have a history of homelessness or failed tenancies and multiple needs, such as:

  • substance use
  • mental health
  • offending behaviour


Our aim is to provide a tenancy as early as possible with wraparound intensive support in partnership with other services in Angus.



Angus Housing Association

At present we have over 1,850 houses in management, mainly throughout Angus, however over 550 are located in Dundee. Our housing varies in type, size and location. Our houses range from bedsits to 6 apartment houses.

If you are looking for a new home, you can obtain an application form either by downloading one from our web site or contacting one of our offices.


Angus Independent Advocacy

Support is free for Children, Young People and Adults from Angus.

When it is hard to tell others what is important to you, we will help.

You have a right to be heard. We can help others know what your views are.





Independent Advocacy | Support | Human Rights | Citizen Advocacy | Children’s Advocacy | Community | Volunteering | Inclusion | Social Isolation | Loneliness

Angus Women's Aid

Angus Women’s Aid is a specialist linked domestic abuse service offering a range of domestic abuse/ coercive control support, domestic abuse advocacy services and domestic abuse court advocacy services for women, children and young people in Angus.

This can be in one to one appointments or groupwork such as CEDAR” You don’t have to travel to our office – we can meet you where you feel safe to talk about your situation and what AWA, or other services, can do to help you.




Domestic Abuse | Coercive Control | Specialist Services | Women’s Aid | AWARE | Limitless | CEDAR | Angus MIA Service

Angus Young Carers

The purpose of Angus Young Carers is to support young people, ages 8-18, who have a moderate to significant level of caring and where those duties impact on their wellbeing.

They can be caring for a family member or friend with a physical or mental health condition, long term disability or learning difficulty, or alcohol and substance misuse.


Community Link Working

Community Link Workers (formerly known as Social Prescribers) work out of GP practices and help individuals connect with local support and services, or community groups and activities.

Community Link Workers aim to empower people to take an active role in improving their wellbeing. They use a person-centred approach and talk about what really matters to the individual.

Benefits of Community Link Working

  • Improve your mental and physical health
  • Meet new people
  • Learn a new skill or participate in a new activity
  • Increase self confidence and self esteem
  • Have a better quality of life
  • Get involved in your community

How do I access the service? Patients can refer directly via their practice’s reception and ask for an appointment with the Community Link Worker.

Who is it for? This service is available to anyone aged 16 or over, registered with a GP practice in Angus.



Social Media



Community | Link Working | Link Workers | Support | Social Prescribers | Social Prescribing

Dundee and Angus ADHD Support Group

The ADHD Support Group provides services across Angus and Dundee to support and empower children, young people, and parents/carers suffering from and affected by the medical condition Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and through this raise tolerance, awareness, and acceptance of this condition. We offer 1:1 support providing information and advice, emotional support and encouragement, training and learning workshops, parent support groups, youth groups, and family learning/support courses.

The service in Angus supports families that have a child diagnosed with ADHD and families currently going through the assessment process. There is also the option to access support and advice if you believe your child may be showing signs of ADHD.

We have lots of different support that we can offer, but everything is designed to help parents, young people, and children to understand the ADHD condition and learn strategies to cope with ADHD.

Family Support Teams

The four Family Support Teams provide services for children, young people and their families aged 0-16 years, providing a range of early intervention services on an individual and group work basis.  Services are provided depending on the needs of each child and family.



Child and Family Centre

East Mary Street


DD11 1PR

01241 870163



Carnoustie Access Office

26 High Street



03452 777 778



Fairlie House




01575 576970



Broomfield Resource Centre

Broomfield Road


DD10 8SY

01674 678509



Hear Me

Counselling for survivors of Sexual Abuse (age 8+) – Adults Service and Children & Young People’s Service.


Counselling | Support | Sexual Abuse | Trauma | Survivor | Angus | Confidential | Children | Young People | Help

Home-Start Angus


We are an Angus wide voluntary, family support charity offering home-visiting befriending support to families with a child under the age of 5yrs old. Our trained and supported volunteers offer weekly home visits to families experiencing parenting difficulties due to loneliness, isolation, poor mental health, financial hardship, bereavement, relationship breakdown or any other challenge that may make your parenting journey a difficult one. We offer peer-led, non judgmental coordinated support which is regularly reviewed to ensure it is meeting your family’s needs.






Parenting | Family | Pre-school | Loneliness | Wellbeing |

Parent to Parent

Parent to Parent support parents and carers of children with additional needs living in Angus, Dundee, and Perth & Kinross. We can provide one-to-one emotional support, group support, workshops on managing challenging behaviour, advocacy at meetings and appointments, information about local services, and links to other parents with a child with an additional need. Children and young people with additional needs can also receive advocacy and support to help them voice their worries and concerns to parents, teachers, social workers, etc.


Relationships Scotland Tayside and Fife

Primarily offering appointments in Arbroath, Montrose and Forfar but cover the whole of Angus and Dundee, too.


  • Family Mediation

Many families experience challenging times. Conflict is a part of life and it can arise for a number of reasons. Mediation can be helpful in any family situation where there is a problem or conflict that family members aren’t able to resolve, especially if those involved are struggling to talk to each other and can’t seem to find a good way forward. Specifically, if you are separating, getting a divorce, or dissolving a civil partnership or if you have been bringing up your children with an ex-partner you may be finding it difficult to manage all the practical arrangements around the care of the children. This can be very difficult if you are feeling hurt, confused or angry.  Family mediators can help here as they are specially trained to support separated parents or any family members deal constructively with things such as:

  • improving clear communication between parties
  • reducing/resolving conflict
  • wider family issues causing a fall-out
  • contact arrangements for the children
  • financial and property matters in relation to separation or divorce
  • Child Contact Centres (operating in Arbroath)


Tayside Council on Alcohol

TCA grew from a grassroots desire to support individuals struggling to cope with problem drinking. TCA was registered as a Charity in 1973 and formed into a Company Limited by Guarantee in 1986. Although the organisation has grown, and the range of services has expanded, we have remained true to this underpinning ethos of responding to the needs as expressed by the people and families living in communities across the three local authorities of Tayside.
We deliver services across the three local authorities of Tayside and our services are adapted to meet the needs of the Angus, Dundee and Perth & Kinross communities. Whether you are looking for support for yourself, worried about a friend or someone in your family, a professional looking for information or advice, we can help.


Support | Substance Use | Alcohol | Gambling | Counselling | Mentoring | Young People | Kinship | Outreach | Recovery

Universal Credit

Universal Credit is a new benefit for working age people who are in or out of work.

It has replaced the following benefits and tax credits with a single monthly payment:

  • Housing Benefit
  • Job Seekers Allowance (income-based)
  • Employment & Support Allowance (income-related)
  • Income Support
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Working Tax Credit

Victim Support Angus

An independent charity, we provide support and information to people affected by crime and campaign for victim and witness rights. Regardless of whether a crime has been reported or when it happened, our services are free, confidential and tailored to individuals’ needs.
Our services are available to everyone, regardless of age, disability, sex, gender identity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.


Victim | Crime | Witness | Court |

Voluntary Action Angus

VAA is both a Charity and a Company Limited by Guaranteed, registered in Scotland governed by a Board of Directors who are volunteers possessing significant background experience in working with local communities. The organisation currently has 22 paid employees and our work is complimented further by the efforts of volunteers. Our work includes providing a Third Sector interface role (TSI), a community development function and, as a key organisation, in empowering communities and combatting poverty.

Our work in supporting third sector and volunteering initiatives is crucial to securing new resources for the sector to become more sustainable and proactive in reshaping services to individuals, families and communities. Whilst VAA has a core element to its work there are many other projects and activities we manage or support in partnership with other agencies and partners.




Community | Volunteering | Locality Workers | Community Link Workers | Social Enterprise | Befriending | Youth | Breast Buddies |

Welfare Rights

The Angus Council Welfare Rights Team provides a free, impartial and confidential benefit and debt advice service to anyone living in the Angus Council area. 

This includes:

  • benefit entitlement checks and income maximisation covering all UK and Scottish benefits.
  • claims advice and assistance including form filling.
  • challenges to benefit decisions including appeal representation if appropriate.
  • dedicated Macmillan worker to assist anyone on a cancer journey or their families.
  • Council Tax issues and advice.
  • debt advice – comprehensive debt advice service including all statutory debt options.
  • housing debt.





Benefits | Universal Credit | Disability Payments | Debt Options | Eviction | Sanction | Benefit Appeals | Dispute A Benefit Decision | Adult Disability Payment | Child Disability Payment

Women’s Rape And Sexual Abuse Centre

We support women, including trans women, and young people of all genders (aged 8 -18), who have experienced any form of sexual violence, abuse, or exploitation in their lives. We promote equality and raise public awareness of the routes of sexual violence and its damaging and life-changing effects. Dundee and Angus WRASAC are a specialist agency providing free and confidential support services to survivors who have been raped, sexually abused, or sexually exploited at any time in their life. Over the last 36 years we have grown our service from a small team working voluntarily in Dundee to a locally and nationally funded service.

Our centre is staffed entirely by female workers and volunteers who are trained to a high standard and share the view that violence against women and children is an abuse of power and should not happen.
