Info about health and wellbeing support in Brechin.

Diverse group of people joining hands high in the air against a blue sky, symbolising health and wellbeing support

BLF Singing for Lung Health


There’s increasing evidence that singing regularly as part of a group is good for your general health and wellbeing. It seems to be especially good at improving your quality of life if you’re living with a lung condition. This group is run in partnership with Nordoff Robbins Scotland and is led by a music therapist who has taken part in our BLF Singing programme. This means they’ve been trained to lead singing groups for people with lung conditions. 

The group also links with Forfar Airways, but those who are not part of Forfar Airways are welcome to attend the singing session.




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Brechin Healthcare Group


Brechin Healthcare Group (BHG) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO), No. SC047731.

BHG’s charitable purposes are:

  1. To advance health and the relief of those in need by reason of age, ill health, disability, or financial hardship, or other disadvantage.
  2. To advance health, through the provision of medical equipment and facilities, and through the provision of relief to those suffering from illness.

BHG has been formed to benefit the community of Brechin and Edzell and The Glens. Geographically the community is roughly within a radius of 10 miles from Brechin, but also includes those areas of the Angus Glens and south Aberdeenshire covered by GP Practices in Brechin and Edzell.

